The Blue Ridge Orchid Society was formed in 1994 as a non-profit organization for people to learn about orchids, share their knowledge and experiences, and promote their love of orchids. As one of approximately 550 local societies affiliated with the American Orchid Society, we are a dedicated group of individuals bursting with enthusiasm for orchids, and eager to share our knowledge with others!
Membership to the Blue Ridge Orchid Society is open to anyone interested in orchids. Whether you are a novice or experienced grower, we all have something to learn from one another! Members are encouraged to participate in discussion, hold offices and offer suggestions.
Meetings are held monthly from September through June when feasible. Our annual business meeting is held in May of each year.
Members bring blooming orchids of many types for show, discussion or questions. Monthly meeting topics include guest speakers, hands-on repotting workshops and an annual orchid auction. Our speakers come from various organizations and nurseries, often bringing with them plants to sell, including unusual and hard to locate varieties.
Come join us! Visitors are most welcome!